7 Tips to Improve Your Garage Door Security
- September 24, 2021
- Posted in: Garage Door, Garage Door Service

Did you know that “out of every 10 thieves, at least one enters a home through a garage?” This fact must make you sit up and look at your garage door twice. It is time to start thinking about improving your garage door security.
How to improve your garage door security?
First, take a good look at your manual or automatic garage door. Understand what it needs as safety features. Make a list of the security mechanisms and safety measures your garage door might need. Call a garage door security expert and ask for a proposal. A garage door security expert will guide you on what safety mechanisms are best for your door.
Meanwhile, take a look at these garage door security tips that will help you improve your garage door security.
Tips to improve your garage door security
- Install floodlights on the exterior of your garage door
A dimly lit garage door is perfect for a thief to break in. Light up your garage door with dazzling floodlights or night lights. Make sure your garage door is always brightly lit. This will give no room for a burglar to break in.
Fix bright LED lights or smart lights both inside and outside your garage. By doing this, you can spot anyone prowling inside or outside your garage door.
- Install motion detectors on your garage door
The first thing that can alert you about thieves is their movement. Fit your garage door with lights with motion sensors. This will ensure that anyone who ventures near your garage door will be bathed in bright light.
You can also fit burglar alarms to the sensors. By doing this, each time there is a stray movement near the garage door, the alarm goes off. This will keep burglars away for good.
- Fit contact sensors and tilt sensors to your garage door.
Fitting contact and tilt sensors are a great idea for your garage door. Together, these contact and tilt sensors can be fitted to your garage door security system to avoid garage door break-ins.
The smart technology contact sensors have 2 points that touch when the door closes and separate when it opens. The tilt sensors will make sure the alarm goes off if the garage door is open at the wrong angle. They can trigger the alarm off in case of undue opening of the garage door. Ask your garage door security experts to fix these without delay.
- Fix a security timer for your garage door for peace of mind
A security timer helps the garage door to automatically close if left open for a long time. This feature is best even if you forget to close the garage door, or are away for a long while. This extra precaution will certainly help and the law enforcement in your area will be doubly happy.
- Always secure the emergency release if you are away
Make sure thieves do not fish with your garage door. In other words, they should not tamper with the emergency release. Ensure this garage security precaution by taping the release cord to the body of the door to prevent it from being fished.
- Always use manual locking if you are away
Even if your garage door is automatic, use the manual locking system if you intend to be away for a long time. This gives additional security to your garage door and prevents an unsecured garage from being tempting to burglars.
You can enhance your garage door security by adding additional locks as well. Your garage door security experts can advise you on this best.
- Install a smart garage door opener
The best opinion for garage door security is to install a smart garage door opener. A smart garage door opener can open or close the door remotely. It can schedule timers and activate alarms. It works with an app to monitor your garage door.
The above tips can help you improve your garage door security but the best thing to do if you are in the Vancouver area is to call garage door security experts at Thrifty Garage Door Repair. Only they can install cameras, sensors, timers, alarms, etc and improve your garage door security to perfection.