Installing MyQ Garage Door Opener for Smart Homes

The MyQ garage door opener is a great option for people wishing to install a smart home system in their garage. Learn how to install a MyQ garage opener with the help of our professional garage door technicians.

MyQ is a wireless garage door opener technology that was made by Chamberlain. The MyQ is a wireless garage door opener that can be controlled from anywhere in the world using your smartphone. You get peace of mind knowing you can check whether or not your garage is open, receive alerts about any activity happening on it and close or open remotely with just one tap! 

The benefits of installing this technology are two-fold: it helps you monitor and control your garage, and saves time by controlling the door from inside. With MyQ installed, opening or closing a garage door is as easy as sending an email! 

To start with one great benefit that comes along with the installation process – if you have myQ set up on more than one residence in your home (say for example at both parents’ homes), accessing any open doors becomes effortless. If they need to get into their house but forgot where they parked due to being super busy all day long? The free LiftMaster app will let them know which garages can accommodate their vehicle so there’s no guessing involved when deciding what direction to take. As soon as they are within range of their home, the app will automatically trigger the gate to open and close.

The app is available for both Android and Apple smartphones and can be downloaded directly from Google Play or the Apple App Store.

Perks of MyQ Technology

  • Monitor garage activity: The myQ app is a must-have for anyone who travels often. This alerts you if your garage door opens and lets you know about it so that, should someone have broken into your house or opened the doors without knowing they did something wrong, there will be an immediate call to action!
  • Garage door under control: MyQ technology is the perfect way to make sure your garage door, gate, and other devices are closed in those times when it’s just too much of a hassle. With myQ you can get peace of mind if you’re away from home or business by closing them remotely!
  • Alerts on operation: Your kids will be safe and sound if you know what they’re up to. With the GarageWatch, a garage door opening alert sends push notifications straight to your phone. You can always keep an eye on them with this handy device!
  • Pre-set garage opening time: Remotely control the lights and door of your garage with this system to let in trusted tradespeople, dog walkers, or maids.

We can integrate MyQ technology into all the latest garage door openers of Chamberlain and LiftMaster. Most garage door openers purchased after 1993, have the facility to integrate with MyQ Technology. All you need for installing MyQ  Technology are MyQ Wi-Fi Hub and door sensor. It is easy to follow the steps and fix the technology by yourself. 

For all your MyQ technology-enabled garage door openers, trust Thrifty Garage Door Repair. We offer top-quality service and devices compatible with MyQ Technology for your convenience. Take advantage of our garage door services in Vancouver and its surroundings. We offer free quotes. Call 604-901-7676 today.

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